Access to Makrigialos, Crete - Cybele

Ηow to get to Makry Gialos

Distances & Information

You can reach Makry Gialos from Heraklion or Sitia.

Heraklion to Makry Gialos

HERAKLION - Makry Gialos : 120 km
Heraklion Airport (HER): Daily flights from the airport to Athens airport (ATH)
Heraklion Port: Daily timetables from Piraeus Port

For your transportation to Makry Gialos from the port and airport of Heraklion, we recommend the following ways:

Regional bus with a destination to Ierapetra and then from Ierapetra to Makry Gialos*

Car rental **

Taxi, cost around 120 €***

Sitia to Makry Gialos

Sitia- Makry Gialos : 34 km
Sitia Airport (JSH): Daily flight from the airport to Athens airport

For your transportation to Makry Gialos from the port and airport of Sitia, we recommend the following ways:
Regional bus with a destination to Makry Gialos*
Car rental **
Taxi, cost around 50 €***

*For your facilitation, you can check the itineraries and book online.

Contact details:

Tonia Chatzipanagiotou / Mob: 0030 6978444789 / Tel:0030 28430 52380

***Regional taxi line
Sofronas Giannis / Mob:0030 6932251406 / Τel. 0030 28430 52436

For transportation to and from Heraklion, please contact us for a more affordable option.